Day –56 — Haibun Journey Daily Thoughts — Completion
Nothing feels quite so good as completing a new technique and actually having a good piece. We were painting on parchment paper and then transferring it to a nylon organza that the teacher had designed especially for this technique. This class was challenging enough to keep you on your toes, but forgiving enough to keep it fun.
Several times during this workshop I thought that my piece was either too flat or overworked. I stuck it out, stepped back from the work and took a deep breath. This is when I’d take a photo with my phone so I could view it at a distance. This usually helped me to see where to go next. The other ladies in the class were also helpful. Everyone was offering ideas and materials to everyone else. It was fun getting inside and a challenge to look at other’s work when they were perplexed and not sure what to do for improvement. I really learned a lot from this class. I can’t wait until my Thanksgiving show is over and I can come home and enhance it with lots of quilting.