Day — 517 — Daily Haibun Journey –Marian Wright Edelman


Marian Wright Edelman was a civil rights activist. Inspired by her work in the civil rights movement, Marian changed her plans to enter foreign service and studied law instead. In 1964 she became the first African American woman to practice law.

In 1973 Marian Edelman founded The Children’s Defense Fund as a voice for poor, minority, and disabled children. On behalf of the children, Edelman spoke out and lobbied Congress on many issues and persuaded congress to overhaul the foster care system. Egelman served as leader and principal spokesperson for the CDF. The agency functions as an advocacy organization and a research center, documenting the problems of children in need and searching for ways to help them. It is supported entirely with private funds.

Edelman is also the author of several books about her ideas and has written numerous books for children.

In defense of youth
a voice given to children
through advocacy

