Ada's Poetry Alcove
1 min readFeb 26, 2021

Day -513 — Daily Haibun Journey — Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a breath of fresh air. Ajayi Jones is a speaker, an author and digital strategist. She is originally from Nigeria, but her family moved to the US when she was nine. She began using her voice at a young age through a blog. She has a wonderful way of blending comedy and activism with inspiration that has a weakly international reach. Her positive, inspiring, life lessons and do better attitude combined with her silver tongue have made her a very great success across social media and a sought-after speaker. Her first book (I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual) received critical acclaim and was #5 on the New York Times bestselling list. Her second book, PROFESSIONAL TROUBLEMAKER: The Fear-Fighter Manual is due out on March 2, 2021. You can read her latest blogs at awesomelyluvvie or find her on Spotify and TED Talks.

lofty conversation
laughter and life lessons
lifting us all

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