Day -421- Daily Haibun Journey — Racism

Ada's Poetry Alcove
1 min readNov 23, 2020


You would think in America we would have overcome racism, but we still deny the unalienable rights to persons of dark skin. It is racism to choose the predominately black voting districts and questioning the voting integrity. It is racism to allow mostly black voting districts to endure voting which take hours and hours of waiting in line. It is racism to profile people based solely their skin color. I am afraid America if you support our idiot in chief, you are more than likely a racist. It is not okay to take children from their parents and lock them in cages, it is morally wrong and it is racist.

I would recommend that you watch “Between the World and Me.” It is based on a book by Ta-Nehisl Coates. I watched it today and it gives you a lot to think on. It embodies the author’s letter that he writes to his son about coming of age in black America.

Quilt Art by Dolores Fegan

your eyes stare
blinking back the hate
you never gave

