Day 1026 — Birds — Haibun Journey Beauty Each Day
Today’s beauty was watching the birds. When the temperatures drop many different bird come to the feeder on the back porch. There were black-capped chickadees and cardinals feasting on the hulled sunflower. The cardinal is always checking his surroundings and the chickadee makes a quick flyby, grabbing a seed to go. Then a pair of fat brown wrens took a few seeds. I have not seen wrens at the feeder before. A dove sat in the dish and ate for a long time. Even a red bellied woodpecker stopped in to dine. I did not see bluejays at the set feeder today, but many starlings. The judo’s did not return since there was not any seed scattered on the porch. The only down fall of using the hulled seed is no scattered seeds for ground feeders, but a cleaner porch and less pesky birds.